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Online Guide for Portuguese Arbitration

Porto Court of Appeal | Action for Annulment of an Arbitral Award | Time Limit for Completion of Proceedings | Duty to State Reasons | Case #128

Porto Court of Appeal | Action for Annulment of an Arbitral Award | Time Limit for Completion of Proceedings | Duty to State Reasons | Case #128Case nr. 298/20.8YRPRT28-01-2021LINK DGSI Summary: I. Article 43 of the Voluntary Arbitration Law establishes the maximum period within which an arbitration proceeding must be concluded, and the respective award… Read More »Porto Court of Appeal | Action for Annulment of an Arbitral Award | Time Limit for Completion of Proceedings | Duty to State Reasons | Case #128

Guimarães Court of Appeal | Annulment of an Arbitral Award | Ultra petitum | Case #122

Guimarães Court of Appeal | Annulment of an Arbitral Award | Ultra petitum | Case #122Case nr. 122/20.1YRGMR21-01-2021LINK DGSI Summary: I. In a special lawsuit for the annulment of an arbitral award, the state court only has the jurisdiction to grant or refuse the annulment of the award on the basis of the grounds set… Read More »Guimarães Court of Appeal | Annulment of an Arbitral Award | Ultra petitum | Case #122