Lisbon Court of Appeal | Extension of the Arbitration Agreement to Non-Signatories | Group of Companies Doctrine | Kompentenz-Kompetenz | 11-01-2011 | Case #078
Lisbon Court of Appeal Date: 11-01-2011 Case Nr. 3539/08.6TVLSB.L1 LINK DGSI Headline: The arbitration agreement concluded with a company belonging to the same group of companies only binds the contracting parties, except if a third party later accedes to that agreement. The arbitral tribunal shall be competent to interpret the arbitration clause in order to… Read More »Lisbon Court of Appeal | Extension of the Arbitration Agreement to Non-Signatories | Group of Companies Doctrine | Kompentenz-Kompetenz | 11-01-2011 | Case #078